What exactly is PRACTICE PURPOSE?

The Practice Purpose Program will walk you through 3 phases that will help you discover your designated purpose, how to make choices that honor that purpose in order to have a more balanced, fulfilled life, and then share that purpose with the world around you.

PRACTICE PURPOSE involves 3 phases:

  • Perfect Purpose
  • Peaceful Purpose
  • Promote Purpose

The first step is discovering how you were uniquely designed – your innate gifts and talents, how you were hard-wired to deal with life in general, and what ultimately drives you to behave as you do. We will walk through a series of assessments and questions that create an awareness around who you are, from the inside-out. Before you can begin to interact better with others, you have to be aware of what you are putting out there – your reactions, your behaviors, strengths and talents you possess…..and where we fall short of showing others our “best self”. Perfect Purpose is about accepting how you were built – the good and the bad – because everyone has strengths, gifts, and talents. Unfortunately, we often don’t allow those strengths, gifts, and talents to shine because we are too busy trying to be someone else – someone we think we should be and working so hard to try to please those around us. Lay down your armor and learn to accept the Perfect Purpose designed for you, and only you.

Once we have a better understanding of how we were built, we can begin to make choices that honor our designated purpose. Peaceful Purpose is about streamlining our choices – prioritizing according to what really matters. Stop saying “yes” to everyone that asks something of you. Stop making choices based on what other people think you should say and do. Stop making yourself miserable and overwhelming yourself because you aren’t respecting your boundaries. Together, we will walk through the steps that clearly identify the values that matter most to you, how to incorporate those into your life mission, and how to establish boundaries that allow you to experience peace.

It is no accident that this is the only phase that incorporates a verb into its title. While Perfect Purpose and Peaceful Purpose describe a personal journey of self-reflection, Promote Purpose commands you to take action. When we are clear about our purpose and mission, we must then go out and share it with others! But here’s the catch: learning to share our gifts and talents with no strings attached – that is, expecting nothing in return. Give freely of your strengths, gifts, and talents within the boundaries that you have established – just because. Because ultimately we were put on this earth to serve others – to leave this world better than we found it. How will you leave your mark on this world? How do you want others to remember you? Embrace the mission to serve, and experience peace as you’ve never experienced it before. When you have done everything in your power to do good in this world, you can lay your head on your pillow at night with a clear conscience and clean heart. When you live your life in a way that allows your strengths, gifts, and talents to shine, you will connect with an inner sense of “purpose”, and you will stop running the endless race to please others – because you will naturally do so by serving them with your designated purpose.

  • Are you ready to get off the hamster wheel that leads to nowhere?
  • Are you tired of trying to please others?
  • Are you burned out on life?
  • Are you tired of feeling empty inside?
  • Do you keep saying to yourself, “There’s got to be more to life than this?”

Come PRACTICE PURPOSE to experience a new life – a balanced life, a peaceful life, a life of fulfillment.

PRACTICE PURPOSE – Find It. Live It. Share It.

CONTACT US TODAY to learn how to get started on your personal journey!