Common Questions:

  1. How long does the program take?
    That partially depends on you – how frequently you want to meet, how quickly you grab on and dig into the work, how fast you are able to achieve certain results, etc. But typically, each phase takes 3-4 months, so you are looking at 9-12 months for the entire program.
  2. How often do we meet? How do we meet?
    Again, this partially depends on you and your schedule, as well as the current availability of the coach. Most people choose weekly or bi-weekly, and sessions can range from 30-45 minutes each. We typically meet by phone, though Skype or Zoom are also options if you prefer face-to-face interaction.
  3. How much does the program cost?
    The price depends on frequency of sessions (e.g. weekly or bi-weekly) and length of sessions (e.g. 30 or 45 min), as well as the level of support you desire in between sessions (e.g. if you want the coach to check in with you, etc). Coaching fees are charged on a monthly basis and can range from $99-$199 per month, with the majority of clients falling somewhere in between (the average client pays $129-$149 per month).
  4. Do you accept credit cards?
  5. Do you accept cash or checks?
    So sorry, but we do not.
  6. Do I have to sign a contract or commitment?
    The simple answer is “no”. You are not locked into any amount of time or financial obligation, and you may quit at any time. However, we do ask that you agree to at least 3 months before leaving the program, as it typically takes about that long to see the impact or results of the work we do together. Coaching is paid in advance (at the first of each month), so if you quit in the middle of the month, you will forfeit whatever you have paid for that month. Otherwise, you have no further obligations.
  7. What if it doesn’t work?
    You will get out of the program what you put into it. If you do the homework between sessions and come into the sessions ready to work and provide honest answers, you will see tremendous results. If you choose to skip the homework or come to sessions with your guard up and an unwillingness to participate honestly, you may see fewer results or the results may take longer to achieve. That being said, we have never had a client leave with nothing. Even our toughest and most resistant clients walked away with a nugget or two that propelled them into their next chapter.
  8. What do you mean by “homework”?
    Homework can vary slightly, depending on the person and where they are in their journey. Sometimes homework includes taking an assessment. Other times homework may include an action step or two towards your goals. Homework can even include walking away with a deep question to ponder – to bring your answer and/or thoughts back to the next session for discussion. And sometimes homework includes a combination of any or all of the above. But ultimately homework is intended to forward action between our sessions, taking you to the next step on your journey or bringing you closer to your goals.
  9. Who is an ideal client?
    An ideal client is anyone of any age or any place in life who is tired of the struggle and ready to take action towards change. It will not be easy, so know that it will take work and dedication to create that change. But change is possible if you are open to new possibilities. The ideal client will come in with an open heart and mind to new perspectives, creative solutions, and acceptance that the status quo is no longer working. If you think you already know everything there is to know in life, we may not be a good fit. But let me ask you – how is all of that working out for you?
  10. What is the next step?
    The next step is a Discovery Session with your coach. In the Discovery Session, the coach will ask a variety of questions to assess your level of readiness and commitment, as well as your current level of awareness and emotional intelligence. Think of the Discovery Session as a “sample” coaching session – a safe place where both you and the coach have an opportunity to see if you would be a good fit for one another. The session is free, and there are no strings attached. If you don’t like it, you can simply walk away with no further obligation.